Tim Nash

Tim is the platform lead at 34SP.com for their Managed WordPress product in addition to being the companies developer advocate. One day he will work out what either of those job titles means. Until he does he spends his day in a mix of dev, security, ops and project management as well as speaking at user groups and conferences. He also helps run WordPress Leeds and writes for several publications including his own site timnash.co.uk.

Building Text Adventures and Other CLI Apps in PHP

What do Homestead, PHPSpec, Behat, Codeception and Drush have in common? They are all CLI applications written in PHP. In this talk Tim will look at how you can harness PHP in building CLI based applications, using a simple old school text adventure game as his main example.

The talk will cover building command line interfaces, looking at options for threading and managing process as well as building and distributing applications as Phar files.

Building for the command line especially on multiple platforms brings some interesting challenges and potential pain points and so this talk is very much a wish I knew this before I started talk.